Log File Rotation Transport
The Log File Rotation transport writes logs to files with automatic rotation based on size or time. This transport is built on top of file-stream-rotator
, a library for handling log file rotation in Node.js applications.
- Automatic log file rotation based on time (hourly, daily)
- Support for date patterns in filenames using numerical values
- Size-based rotation with support for KB, MB, and GB units
- Compression of rotated log files
- Maximum file count or age-based retention
- Automatic cleanup of old log files
- Batch processing of logs for improved performance (must be enabled)
npm i loglayer @loglayer/transport-log-file-rotation serialize-error
pnpm add loglayer @loglayer/transport-log-file-rotation serialize-error
yarn add loglayer @loglayer/transport-log-file-rotation serialize-error
import { LogLayer } from "loglayer";
import { LogFileRotationTransport } from "@loglayer/transport-log-file-rotation";
import { serializeError } from "serialize-error";
const logger = new LogLayer({
errorSerializer: serializeError,
transport: [
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/app.log"
logger.info("Application started");
Filename Uniqueness
Each instance of LogFileRotationTransport
must have a unique filename to prevent possible race conditions. If you try to create multiple transport instances with the same filename, an error will be thrown. If you need multiple loggers to write to the same file, they should share the same transport instance:
// Create a single transport instance
const fileTransport = new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/app-%DATE%.log",
dateFormat: "YMD",
frequency: "daily"
// Share it between multiple loggers
const logger1 = new LogLayer({
transport: [fileTransport]
const logger2 = new LogLayer({
transport: [fileTransport]
Child loggers do not have this problem as they inherit the transport instance from their parent logger.
Configuration Options
Required Parameters
Option | Type | Description |
filename | string | The filename pattern to use for the log files. Supports date format using numerical values (e.g., "./logs/application-%DATE%.log" ) |
Optional Parameters
Option | Type | Description | Default |
auditFile | string | Location to store the log audit file | None |
auditHashType | "md5" | "sha256" | Hashing algorithm for audit file. Use 'sha256' for FIPS compliance | "md5" |
batch | object | Batch processing configuration. See Batch Configuration for details | None |
callbacks | object | Event callbacks for various file stream events. See Callbacks for details | None |
compressOnRotate | boolean | Whether to compress rotated log files using gzip | false |
createSymlink | boolean | Create a tailable symlink to the current active log file | false |
dateFormat | string | The date format to use in the filename. Uses single characters: 'Y' (full year), 'M' (month), 'D' (day), 'H' (hour), 'm' (minutes), 's' (seconds) | "YMD" |
delimiter | string | Delimiter between log entries | "\n" |
extension | string | File extension to be appended to the filename | None |
fieldNames | object | Custom field names for the log entry JSON. See Field Names for details | See below |
fileMode | number | File mode (permissions) to be used when creating log files | 0o640 |
fileOptions | object | Options passed to fs.createWriteStream | { flags: 'a' } |
frequency | string | The frequency of rotation. Can be 'daily', 'date', '[1-30]m' for minutes, or '[1-12]h' for hours | None |
levelMap | object | Custom mapping for log levels. See Level Mapping for details | None |
maxLogs | string | number | Maximum number of logs to keep. Can be a number of files or days (e.g., "10d" for 10 days) | None |
size | string | The size at which to rotate. Must include a unit suffix: "k"/"K" for kilobytes, "m"/"M" for megabytes, "g"/"G" for gigabytes (e.g., "10M", "100K") | None |
staticData | (() => Record<string, any>) | Record<string, any> | Static data to be included in every log entry. Can be either a function that returns an object, or a direct object. If it's a function, it's called for each log entry. | None |
symlinkName | string | Name to use when creating the symbolic link | "current.log" |
timestampFn | () => string | number | Custom function to generate timestamps | () => new Date().toISOString() |
utc | boolean | Use UTC time for date in filename | false |
verbose | boolean | Whether to enable verbose mode in the underlying file-stream-rotator. See Verbose Mode for details | false |
Field Names
The fieldNames
object allows you to customize the field names in the log entry JSON:
Field | Type | Description | Default |
level | string | Field name for the log level | "level" |
message | string | Field name for the log message | "message" |
timestamp | string | Field name for the timestamp | "timestamp" |
The callbacks
object supports the following event handlers:
Callback | Parameters | Description |
onClose | () => void | Called when a log file is closed |
onError | (error: Error) => void | Called when an error occurs |
onFinish | () => void | Called when the stream is finished |
onLogRemoved | (info: { date: number; name: string; hash: string }) => void | Called when a log file is removed due to retention policy |
onNew | (newFile: string) => void | Called when a new log file is created |
onOpen | () => void | Called when a log file is opened |
onRotate | (oldFile: string, newFile: string) => void | Called when a log file is rotated |
Level Mapping
The levelMap
object allows you to map each log level to either a string or number:
Level | Type | Example (Numeric) | Example (String) |
debug | string | number | 20 | "DEBUG" |
error | string | number | 50 | "ERROR" |
fatal | string | number | 60 | "FATAL" |
info | string | number | 30 | "INFO" |
trace | string | number | 10 | "TRACE" |
warn | string | number | 40 | "WARNING" |
Batch Configuration
The batch
option enables batching of log entries to improve performance by reducing disk writes. When enabled, logs are queued in memory and written to disk in batches. The configuration accepts the following options:
Option | Type | Description | Default |
size | number | Maximum number of log entries to queue before writing | 1000 |
timeout | number | Maximum time in milliseconds to wait before writing queued logs | 5000 |
Queued logs are automatically flushed in the following situations:
- When the batch size is reached
- When the batch timeout is reached
- When the transport is disposed
- When the process exits (including SIGINT and SIGTERM signals)
Example usage:
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/app",
frequency: "daily",
dateFormat: "YMD",
extension: ".log",
batch: {
size: 1000, // Write after 1000 logs are queued
timeout: 5000 // Or after 5 seconds, whichever comes first
Performance Tuning
For high-throughput applications, you might want to adjust the batch settings based on your needs:
- Increase
for better throughput at the cost of higher memory usage - Decrease
to reduce the risk of losing logs in case of crashes
Verbose Mode
It is recommended to enable verbose
when configuring log rotation rules. This option allows troubleshooting and debugging of the rotation settings. Once properly configured, it can be removed / disabled.
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/daily/test-%DATE%.log",
frequency: "1h",
dateFormat: "YMD", // using hourly frequency, but missing the "m" part
verbose: true,
If there is something wrong with the configuration, you will get something like:
[FileStreamRotator] Date format not suitable for X hours rotation. Changing date format to 'YMDHm
Which will help you identify the issue and correct it:
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/daily/test-%DATE%.log",
frequency: "1h",
dateFormat: "YMDm",
Log Format
Each log entry is written as a JSON object with the following format:
"level": "info",
"message": "Log message",
"timestamp": "2024-01-17T12:34:56.789Z",
// metadata / context / error data will depend on your LogLayer configuration
"userId": "123",
"requestId": "abc-123"
Adding Static Data to Every Log Entry
import { hostname } from "node:os";
// Using a function
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/app-%DATE%.log",
frequency: "daily",
dateFormat: "YMD",
staticData: () => ({
hostname: hostname(), // Add the server's hostname
pid: process.pid, // Add the process ID
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || "development"
// Using a direct object
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/app-%DATE%.log",
frequency: "daily",
dateFormat: "YMD",
staticData: {
hostname: hostname(),
pid: process.pid,
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || "development"
This will add the hostname, process ID, and environment to every log entry:
"level": "info",
"message": "Application started",
"timestamp": "2024-01-17T12:34:56.789Z",
"hostname": "my-server",
"pid": 12345,
"environment": "production"
Static Data Performance
When using static values that don't change during the lifetime of your application (like hostname and process ID), it's better to use a direct object instead of a function:
// Better performance: object is created once
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/app-%DATE%.log",
staticData: {
hostname: hostname(),
pid: process.pid,
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || "development"
// Use a function only if you need dynamic values
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/app-%DATE%.log",
staticData: () => ({
timestamp: Date.now(), // Dynamic value that changes
hostname: hostname(), // Static value
pid: process.pid // Static value
Rotation Examples
Date Format Requirements
The transport requires specific date formats based on the rotation frequency:
- For daily rotation: use
dateFormat: "YMD"
- For hourly rotation: use
dateFormat: "YMDHm"
- For minute rotation: use
dateFormat: "YMDHm"
These formats ensure proper rotation timing and file naming.
Daily Rotation
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/daily/test-%DATE%.log",
frequency: "daily",
dateFormat: "YMD", // Required for daily rotation
Hourly Rotation
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/hourly/test-%DATE%.log",
frequency: "1h",
dateFormat: "YMDHm", // Required for hourly rotation
Minute-based Rotation
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/minutes/test-%DATE%.log",
frequency: "5m",
dateFormat: "YMDHm", // Required for minute rotation
Size-based Rotation
new LogFileRotationTransport({
filename: "./logs/size/app.log",
size: "50k",
maxLogs: 5,
View the changelog here.