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Logging with Context

Context allows you to add persistent data that will be included with every log message. This is particularly useful for adding request IDs, user information, or any other data that should be present across multiple log entries.


The output examples use msg as the message field. The name of this field may vary depending on the logging library you are using. In the console logger, this field does not exist, and the message is printed directly.

Adding Context

Use the withContext method to add context data:

  requestId: '123',
  userId: 'user_456'

// Context will be included in all subsequent log messages'Processing request')
log.warn('User quota exceeded')

By default, context data is flattened into the root of the log object:

  "msg": "Processing request",
  "requestId": "123",
  "userId": "user_456"

Clearing context

Passing an empty value (null, undefined, or an empty object) to withContext will not clear the context; it does nothing. Use the clearContext() method to remove all context data.

Structuring Context

Using a Dedicated Context Field

You can configure LogLayer to place context data in a dedicated field:

  requestId: '123',
  userId: 'user_456'
}).info('Processing request')

This produces:

  "msg": "Processing request",
  "context": {
    "requestId": "123",
    "userId": "user_456"

Combining Context and Metadata Fields

If you set the same field name for both context and metadata, they will be merged:

const log = new LogLayer({
  contextFieldName: 'data',
  metadataFieldName: 'data',

log.withContext({ requestId: '123' })
   .withMetadata({ duration: 1500 })
   .info('Request completed')

This produces:

  "msg": "Request completed",
  "data": {
    "requestId": "123",
    "duration": 1500

Managing Context

Getting Current Context

You can retrieve the current context data:

log.withContext({ requestId: '123' })

const context = log.getContext()
// Returns: { requestId: '123' }

Clearing Context

You can clear context data:


Muting Context

You can temporarily disable context logging:

// Via configuration
const log = new LogLayer({
  muteContext: true,

// Or via methods
log.muteContext()   // Disable context
log.unMuteContext() // Re-enable context

This is useful for development or troubleshooting when you want to reduce log verbosity.

Combining Context with Other Features

With Errors

Context data is included when logging errors:

log.withContext({ requestId: '123' })
   .withError(new Error('Not found'))
   .error('Failed to fetch user')

With Metadata

Context can be combined with per-message metadata:

log.withContext({ requestId: '123' })
   .withMetadata({ userId: 'user_456' })
   .info('User logged in')