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New Relic Transport

NPM Version

The New Relic transport allows you to send logs directly to New Relic's Log API. It provides robust features including compression, retry logic, rate limiting support, and validation of New Relic's API constraints.

Transport Source


npm install loglayer @loglayer/transport-new-relic serialize-error
pnpm add loglayer @loglayer/transport-new-relic serialize-error
yarn add loglayer @loglayer/transport-new-relic serialize-error

Basic Usage

import { LogLayer } from 'loglayer'
import { NewRelicTransport } from "@loglayer/transport-new-relic"
import { serializeError } from "serialize-error";

const log = new LogLayer({
   errorSerializer: serializeError,
   transport: new NewRelicTransport({
      apiKey: "YOUR_NEW_RELIC_API_KEY",
      endpoint: "", // optional, this is the default
      useCompression: true, // optional, defaults to true
      maxRetries: 3, // optional, defaults to 3
      retryDelay: 1000, // optional, base delay in ms, defaults to 1000
      respectRateLimit: true, // optional, defaults to true
      onError: (err) => {
         console.error('Failed to send logs to New Relic:', err);
      onDebug: (entry) => {
         console.log('Log entry being sent:', entry);

// Use the logger"This is a test message");
log.withMetadata({ userId: "123" }).error("User not found");

Configuration Options

apiKeystring-Required. Your New Relic API key
endpointstring""The New Relic Log API endpoint
useCompressionbooleantrueWhether to use gzip compression
maxRetriesnumber3Maximum number of retry attempts
retryDelaynumber1000Base delay between retries (ms)
respectRateLimitbooleantrueWhether to respect rate limiting
onError(err: Error) => void-Error handling callback
onDebug(entry: Record<string, any>) => void-Debug callback for inspecting log entries
enabledbooleantrueWhether the transport is enabled
level"trace" | "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "fatal""trace"Minimum log level to process. Logs below this level will be filtered out



The transport uses gzip compression by default to reduce bandwidth usage. You can disable this if needed:

new NewRelicTransport({
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
  useCompression: false

Retry Logic

The transport includes a sophisticated retry mechanism with exponential backoff and jitter:

new NewRelicTransport({
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
  maxRetries: 5, // Increase max retries
  retryDelay: 2000 // Increase base delay to 2 seconds

The actual delay between retries is calculated using:

delay = baseDelay * (2 ^ attemptNumber) + random(0-200)ms

Rate Limiting

The transport handles New Relic's rate limiting in two ways:

  1. Respect Rate Limits (Default)

    new NewRelicTransport({
      apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
      respectRateLimit: true // This is the default
    • Waits for the duration specified in the Retry-After header
    • Rate limit retries don't count against maxRetries
    • Uses 60 seconds as default wait time if no header is present
  2. Ignore Rate Limits

    new NewRelicTransport({
      apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
      respectRateLimit: false,
      onError: (err) => {
        if ( === "RateLimitError") {
          // Handle rate limit error
    • Fails immediately when rate limited
    • Calls onError with a RateLimitError


The transport automatically validates logs against New Relic's constraints:

// This will be validated:
  veryLongKey: "x".repeat(300), // Will throw ValidationError (name too long)
  normalKey: "x".repeat(5000)   // Will be truncated to 4094 characters
}).info("Test message")

Validation includes:

  • Maximum payload size of 1MB (before and after compression)
  • Maximum of 255 attributes per log entry
  • Maximum attribute name length of 255 characters
  • Automatic truncation of attribute values longer than 4094 characters

Error Handling

The transport provides detailed error information through the onError callback:

new NewRelicTransport({
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
  onError: (err) => {
    switch ( {
      case "ValidationError":
        // Handle validation errors (payload size, attribute limits)
      case "RateLimitError":
        // Handle rate limiting errors
        const rateLimitErr = err as RateLimitError;
        console.log(`Rate limited. Retry after: ${rateLimitErr.retryAfter}s`);
        // Handle other errors (network, API errors)
        console.error("Failed to send logs:", err.message);

Debug Callback

The transport includes a debug callback that allows you to inspect log entries before they are sent to New Relic:

new NewRelicTransport({
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
  onDebug: (entry) => {
    // Log the entry being sent
    console.log('Sending log entry:', JSON.stringify(entry, null, 2));

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling: Always provide an onError callback to handle failures gracefully.

  2. Compression: Keep compression enabled unless you have a specific reason to disable it.

  3. Rate Limiting: Use the default rate limit handling unless you have a custom rate limiting strategy.

  4. Retry Configuration: Adjust maxRetries and retryDelay based on your application's needs:

    • Increase for critical logs that must be delivered
    • Decrease for high-volume, less critical logs
  5. Validation: Be aware of the attribute limits when adding metadata to avoid validation errors.


View the changelog here.

TypeScript Support

The transport is written in TypeScript and provides full type definitions:

import type { NewRelicTransportConfig } from "@loglayer/transport-new-relic"

const config: NewRelicTransportConfig = {
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
  // TypeScript will enforce correct options


View the changelog here.