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LogLayer can be configured with various options to customize its behavior. Here's a comprehensive guide to all available configuration options.

Basic Configuration

When creating a new LogLayer instance, you can pass a configuration object:

import { LogLayer, ConsoleTransport } from 'loglayer'

const log = new LogLayer({
  transport: new ConsoleTransport({
    logger: console,
  // ... other options

Configuration Options

Transport Configuration

The transport option is the only required configuration. It specifies which logging library to use:

  // Can be a single transport or an array of transports
  transport: new ConsoleTransport({
    logger: console,

You can also pass an array of transports to the transport option. This is useful if you want to send logs to multiple destinations.

  transport: [
    new ConsoleTransport({ logger: console }), 
    new DatadogBrowserLogsTransport({ logger: datadogBrowserLogs })],

For more transport options, see the Transport Configuration section.

Message Prefixing

You can add a prefix to all log messages:

  // Will prepend "[MyApp]" to all log messages
  prefix: '[MyApp]'

Logging Control

Control whether logging is enabled:

  // Set to false to disable all logging (default: true)
  enabled: true

You can also enable/disable logging programmatically:

log.enableLogging()  // Enable logging
log.disableLogging() // Disable logging


If you're implementing a transport, you can set the consoleDebug option to true to output to the console before sending to the logging library:

  // Useful for debugging - will output to console before sending to logging library
  consoleDebug: true

This is useful when:

  • Debugging why logs aren't appearing in your logging library
  • Verifying the data being sent to the logging library
  • Testing log formatting

Error Handling Configuration

Configure how errors are handled and serialized:

  // Function to transform Error objects (useful if logging library doesn't handle errors well)
  errorSerializer: (err) => ({ message: err.message, stack: err.stack }),
  // Field name for errors (default: 'err')
  errorFieldName: 'err',
  // Copy error.message to log message when using errorOnly() (default: false)
  copyMsgOnOnlyError: true,
  // Include error in metadata instead of root level (default: false)
  errorFieldInMetadata: false

Data Structure Configuration

Control how context and metadata are structured in log output:

  // Put context data in a specific field (default: flattened)
  contextFieldName: 'context',
  // Put metadata in a specific field (default: flattened)
  metadataFieldName: 'metadata',
  // Disable context/metadata in log output
  muteContext: false,
  muteMetadata: false

Example output with field names configured:

  "level": 30,
  "time": 1638138422796,
  "msg": "User logged in",
  "context": {
    "requestId": "123"
  "metadata": {
    "userId": "456"

Example output with flattened fields (default):

  "level": 30,
  "time": 1638138422796,
  "msg": "User logged in",
  "requestId": "123",
  "userId": "456"

Plugin System

Plugins are used to modify logging behavior. See the Plugins section for more information.

Complete Configuration Example

Here's an example showing all configuration options:

const log = new LogLayer({
  // Required: Transport configuration
  transport: new ConsoleTransport({
    logger: console,
  // Optional configurations
  prefix: '[MyApp]',
  enabled: true,
  consoleDebug: false,
  // Error handling
  errorSerializer: (err) => ({ message: err.message, stack: err.stack }),
  errorFieldName: 'error',
  copyMsgOnOnlyError: true,
  errorFieldInMetadata: false,
  // Data structure
  contextFieldName: 'context',
  metadataFieldName: 'metadata',
  muteContext: false,
  muteMetadata: false,
  // Plugins
  plugins: [
      id: 'timestamp-plugin',
      onBeforeDataOut: ({ data }) => {
        if (data) {
          data.timestamp =
        return data